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Our Livestock

We put a lot of love into our livestock, and it shows! 

Berkshire Swine

Berkshire pigs have richer flavored, marbled meat. That is why it's know as "the Angus of the pork world".

Slower growing & worth the extra time and care to become nicely marbled and full of flavor.

Beef Cattle

Australian Lowline cattle are more easily managed and it won't take two freezers for a side of beef.

We also raise British White & Wagyu along side our Lowlines


We raise a variety of turkeys for holidays and all year around. Homegrown turkey tastes goooood, you should eat more of it. The turkey breeds are: Broad Breasted, Royal Palm, Narragansett & Bourbon Red


We have a growing flock of around 1,000 chickens, and more growing as replacement hens. They are made up of mostly Red Sex Links and sometimes in the Spring we will order Ameraucana / Americana, a.k.a. the Easter egg chicken, to sell as chicks, pullets and layers.
Sometimes we have meat chickens on the pasture, NOT the factory produced white chickens. We have normal looking, usually brown chickens.


We have a few different breeds of sheep, this gives us a variety of delicious lamb: Royal White, Dorper & Crossbred

Honey Bees

We raise honey bees, that provide Honey, Wax and other great by-products